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100-Ton HTd Hoppers are SOLD OUT!

Written by Conductor

We're both happy and sad to report that the production run of the Bowser 100T HTd hoppers is completely SOLD OUT as of Saturday, October 5.  Any orders that arrive after this date will be returned.

If you missed the opportunity to purchase one or more of these cars, but are still interested, please send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  If there is sufficient interest, we will consider another run, which we'll announce on the site should it move forward.

THANKS to everyone who purchased one of these cars. Your purchase helped make this project a success and will pave the way for future similar offerings!

Today's Image

Did You Know?

October, 1964
The Reading's new green and gold colors are used on 100 new boxcars.


Operations Information

Click Here!A variety of Reading Company operations related documents, etc. that may be of use in your modeling efforts.

Operations Paperwork

Click Here!A variety of Reading Company operations paperwork, such as train orders, clearance forms, etc. that will help you operate your Reading layout in a prototypical manner.

Timetables, Rulebooks, Etc.

Click Here!Public Timetables, Employe Timetables, and Rulebooks that provide much useful operational information.

Modeling Goodies

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Rolling Stock Reference

Click Here!Downloadable reference documents on the various classes of Reading Company Freight and Passenger rolling stock.

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