New Material Posted - Reading Company Track Drawings!
I'm happy to announce that I've FINALLY gotten around to posting some new material on the site. A while back, through a combination of eBay purchases and the generosity of fellow Reading modeler Rob Hinkle, I came into possession of a series of Reading Company track drawings that were made by employes in order to be qualified on the various lines (so I am told by a knowledgeable source). I've started to sort, scan and post these in the Photo Gallery. These provide a TON of detail useful for modeling - switch and signal locations, the names of various sidings, crossings, etc. - LOTS of useful details to help accurately depict locations along the right-of-way. We've started with the East Penn Branch, and will scan and post the remainder in the near future. Click Here to go to the Photo Gallery to view this new material!
Did You Know?
A variety of Reading Company operations related documents, etc. that may be of use in your modeling efforts.
A variety of Reading Company operations paperwork, such as train orders, clearance forms, etc. that will help you operate your Reading layout in a prototypical manner.
Public Timetables, Employe Timetables, and Rulebooks that provide much useful operational information.
Signs, billboards, and other FREE goodies for your use. We ask only that you help spread the word about The Reading Modeler!