Painting Your Reading Models
RECOMMENDED COLORS FOR PAINTING YOUR OWN READING MODELS: The colors provided here are suggested guidelines for painting your own Reading models with a reasonable degree of accuracy. Color perception is subjective to each individual, and there are other variables to consider such as weathering effects on equipment, and color deterioration on older prints, and slides. It is always best to work from a good prototype photograph when modeling and painting.
Pullman Green Scheme: Floquil, Polly-Scale, or Scalecoat Pullman Green. Floquil seems to yield a lighter shade than the other two - this would be useful for painting first-generation diesels that have faded due to weathering and age. For newer models, Polly-Scale or Scalecoat would work best. |
Yellow / Green Scheme: Yellow - Polly-Scale Reading Yellow, or Floquil/Polly-Scale Reefer Yellow mixed with a bit of white to simulate weathering/aging effects. We do not recommend using straight Reefer Yellow, as the yellow is too bright. The Reading's yellow units had a slight gold or orange cast when new. Green - Floquil, Polly-Scale or Scalecoat Reading Green. Floquil Reading Green seems to yield a slightly darker shade than Polly-Scale. |
Reading Green Scheme: Floquil, Polly-Scale or Scalecoat Reading Green. |
Original Red Scheme: Body - Floquil, Polly-Scale, or Scalecoat Caboose Red. Handrails - Floquil, Polly-Scale, or Scalecoat Reefer Yellow. Roof and Steps- Floquil, Polly-Scale, or Scalecoat Boxcar Red. (NOTE: Early cabooses with a wood roof received a roof coating that was painted black. Also, in later years, the roof was not always painted brown, and was painted red to match the rest of the car.) |
Yellow / Green Scheme: Yellow - Polly-Scale Reading Yellow, or Floquil/Polly-Scale Reefer Yellow mixed with a bit of white to simulate weathering/aging effects. We do not recommend using straight Reefer Yellow, as the yellow is too bright. Green - Floquil, Polly-Scale or Scalecoat Reading Green. Floquil Reading Green seems to yield a slightly darker shade than Polly-Scale. |
Brown (Boxcars, MOW equipment): Floquil, Polly-Scale or Scalecoat Boxcar Red. |
Green (Boxcars, Flats, Gondolas, a few Covered Hoppers): Floquil, Polly-Scale or Scalecoat Reading Green. |
Grey (Most Covered Hoppers): Floquil, Polly-Scale or Scalecoat Delaware & Hudson (D&H) Grey. |
Black (Open Hoppers, Flats, Gondolas): Floquil, Polly-Scale or Scalecoat Engine Black. |
Yellow (MOW Equipment - Covered Hoppers, Flats, Gondolas): Floquil, Polly-Scale or Scalecoat Reefer Yellow, mixed with white - the yellow of the MOW equipment was definitely lighter than "Reading Yellow." |
Passenger Cars/Early MU Cars: Floquil, Polly-Scale or Scalecoat Pullman Green (NOTE: Floquil Pullman Green dries lighter than the other brands, and should be used when trying to simulate older, weathered equipment. |
"Blueliner" MU Cars: Blue - Scalecoat B&O Royal Blue. White - Floquil, Polly-Scale, or Scalecoat Reefer White. |
Cream: Floquil or Polly Scale Antique White (for weathered and faded buildings). Testor's Model Master Radome Tan (for a more "cream" hue). We do not recommend using "Depot Buff," as it is too yellow/mustardy. Some modelers have had good results adding a bit of Reefer Yellow to Reefer White to match photos; however, we have had excellent results with the aforementioned Radome Tan straight from the bottle. |
Brown: Floquil or Polly Scale Roof Brown. Testor's Model Master Leather. |
Did You Know?
A variety of Reading Company operations related documents, etc. that may be of use in your modeling efforts.
A variety of Reading Company operations paperwork, such as train orders, clearance forms, etc. that will help you operate your Reading layout in a prototypical manner.
Public Timetables, Employe Timetables, and Rulebooks that provide much useful operational information.
Signs, billboards, and other FREE goodies for your use. We ask only that you help spread the word about The Reading Modeler!