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1951 Reading Company Interchange Locations

Written by Conductor

An SW-1500 gets some TLC on a snowy night at Rupert, PA on the Catawissa Branch.  This was an interchange point between the Reading and the DL&W, later Erie-Lackawanna.  Photo courtesy Jim Gerofsky.

The following list details interchange points on the Reading system by connecting railroad, and is taken from a Reading Company document dated September 1, 1951. This information was used by conductors to accurately detail movement of cars in their wheel reports, as well as freight agents and yardmasters. It was important that these reports be accurate and timely, since per diem settlement charges to foreign roads were based upon this information. This information may be of use when developing a car forwarding system for your Reading layout, in order to realistically route a car to an off-line destination via an interchange. For information about developing a car forwarding system, you can refer to the Operations Special Interest Group (SIG) website, which includes a robust bibliography of operations-related articles in the model railroad press.  Check the Downloads section for downloadable files that can be used to operate your Reading layout in a prototypical manner.




CNJ Central of New Jersey Bound Brook
CNJ Central of New Jersey Manville
CNJ Central of New Jersey Port Reading Crossing
CRPA Central of New Jersey Bethlehem
CRPA Central of New Jersey Allentown Station
CRPA Central of New Jersey Allentown Yard
CRPA Central of New Jersey Haucks
CRPA Central of New Jersey Tamaqua
NYC New York Central Newberry Junction
DLW Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Danville
DLW Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Rupert
ERIE Erie Newberry Junction
LNE Lehigh & New England Tamaqua
LNE Lehigh & New England Catasauqua
LNE Lehigh & New England Slatington
LV Lehigh Valley Allentown Station
LV Lehigh Valley Manville
LV Lehigh Valley Catasauqua
LV Lehigh Valley East Penn Junction
LV Lehigh Valley Bethlehem
LV Lehigh Valley Ashland
LV Lehigh Valley Mahanoy City
LV Lehigh Valley Quakake
LV Lehigh Valley Raven Run
LV Lehigh Valley Westwood
LV Lehigh Valley Slatington
PRR Pennsylvania Belmont
PRR Pennsylvania Bridesburg
PRR Pennsylvania Downingtown
PRR Pennsylvania East Conshohocken
PRR Pennsylvania East Trenton
PRR Pennsylvania Eddystone
PRR Pennsylvania Erie Avenue
PRR Pennsylvania Essington
PRR Pennsylvania Fort Mifflin
PRR Pennsylvania Grays Ferry
PRR Pennsylvania Howellsville Devault
PRR Pennsylvania Marcus Hook
PRR Pennsylvania Mill Lane
PRR Pennsylvania Nicetown
PRR Pennsylvania Norristown
PRR Pennsylvania Penncoyd
PRR Pennsylvania

Philadelphia Perishable Produce Terminal

PRR Pennsylvania Plymouth Meeting
PRR Pennsylvania Richmond Junction
PRR Pennsylvania Philadelphia / 16th Street Junction
PRR Pennsylvania Summerdale Sears
PRR Pennsylvania Thurlow
PRR Pennsylvania Willow & Noble Streets
PRR Pennsylvania Birdsboro
PRR Pennsylvania Camp Hill
PRR Pennsylvania Carlisle
PRR Pennsylvania Chadds Ford Junction
PRR Pennsylvania Coatesville
PRR Pennsylvania Columbia
PRR Pennsylvania Harrisburg
PRR Pennsylvania Lancaster
PRR Pennsylvania Lebanon
PRR Pennsylvania Middletown
PRR Pennsylvania New Castle
PRR Pennsylvania Oaks
PRR Pennsylvania Phoenixville
PRR Pennsylvania Pottstown
PRR Pennsylvania Shippensburg
PRR Pennsylvania Supplee
PRR Pennsylvania Swedeland
PRR Pennsylvania West Reading
PRR Pennsylvania Wilmington
PRR Pennsylvania Milton
PRR Pennsylvania Montgomery
PRR Pennsylvania Natalie
PRR Pennsylvania Williamsport
PRR Pennsylvania Oak Hill Colliery
PRR Pennsylvania Paper Mill
PRR Pennsylvania Pottsville
PRR Pennsylvania Repplier Colliery (Darkwater)
PRR Pennsylvania Shamokin
PRR Pennsylvania Sunbury
PRR Pennsylvania Newberry Junction
PRSL Pennsylvania-Reading Seashore Lines Camden / Bulson Street
PRSL Pennsylvania-Reading Seashore Lines Camden / Kaighn's Point
PRSL Pennsylvania-Reading Seashore Lines Camden / Detour
PRSL Pennsylvania-Reading Seashore Lines Camden / Linden Street
PRSL Pennsylvania-Reading Seashore Lines Philadelphia / Chestnut Street
PRSL Pennsylvania-Reading Seashore Lines Carney's Point
PRSL Pennsylvania-Reading Seashore Lines Gibbstown
IRN Ironton Catasauqua
B&O Baltimore & Ohio Arch Street
B&O Baltimore & Ohio East Side Yard / Through Trains
B&O Baltimore & Ohio Eastwicks
B&O Baltimore & Ohio Eddystone
B&O Baltimore & Ohio Camden / Linden Street
B&O Baltimore & Ohio Park Junction
B&O Baltimore & Ohio Philadelphia Perishable Produce Terminal
B&O Baltimore & Ohio Willow & Noble Streets
B&O Baltimore & Ohio Elsmere Junction
B&O Baltimore & Ohio Wilmington
WM Western Maryland Gettysburg
WM Western Maryland Lurgan
WM Western Maryland Shippensburg
UMP Upper Merion & Plymouth Conshohocken
UMP Upper Merion & Plymouth West Conshohocken
UMP Upper Merion & Plymouth Swedeland
CORN Cornwall Lebanon
PBNE Philadelphia, Bethlehem & New England
(Bethlehem Steel)
SH Steelton & Highspire (Bethlehem Steel) Steelton

Today's Image

Did You Know?

September 23, 1955
The Blandon Low Grade line enters service.


Operations Information

Click Here!A variety of Reading Company operations related documents, etc. that may be of use in your modeling efforts.

Operations Paperwork

Click Here!A variety of Reading Company operations paperwork, such as train orders, clearance forms, etc. that will help you operate your Reading layout in a prototypical manner.

Timetables, Rulebooks, Etc.

Click Here!Public Timetables, Employe Timetables, and Rulebooks that provide much useful operational information.

Modeling Goodies

Click Here!Signs, billboards, and other FREE goodies for your use.  We ask only that you help spread the word about The Reading Modeler!

Rolling Stock Reference

Click Here!Downloadable reference documents on the various classes of Reading Company Freight and Passenger rolling stock.

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