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Operations Paperwork

Written by Conductor

Reading Company Clearance Form "A"For those modelers interested in operating their layouts in a prototypical fashion, duplicating the activities, and even the paperwork, of real railroaders, we are providing these downloadable files for your use. These are PDF files that we have created to match Reading Company documents as closely as possible in terms of size, style and layout.

1975 Reading Company Freight Waybill: A PDF version of a 1975 Reading Company Freight Waybill. This document will print on an 8.5" x 11" sheet of paper - much larger than the popular Old Line Graphics/Micro-Mark 4-cycle waybills. Although these might be cumbersome in model operations, we're making them available as authentic source material for those who may want to use them as a guide for making their own waybills.

Car Ticket: The original Reading Company version of a "car card" is provided here for use in developing a car-card-and-waybill system for operating your layout in a prototypical manner.

Clearance Form "A" (4-59):  A PDF file of the Clearance Form "A" used by the Reading Company, dated 4/59. This form would accompany Train Order forms and would authorize the train to proceed when starting travel or accepting train orders. Created two to a page for photocopying and cutting for use in model operations. Thanks to Bruce Kelly, Rob Mandeville, Rick Bates and Bob Reid for contributing source material.

Clearance Form "A" (7-65):  A PDF file of the Clearance Form "A" used by the Reading Company, dated 7/65.  Used in an identical manner to the 4-59 form, this just shows the railroad moving to a more modern typeface as time progressed.  Courtesy Bruce Kelly.

Clearance Form "A" (1970s):  A PDF File of the Clearance Form "A" used by the Reading Company.  While not dated, it appears to be from the 1970s given the typeface.  Users will also note some changes in the wording on the form from earlier versions.  Courtesy Bruce Kelly.

Commuter Train Operation Form CT-15: This form was to be completed for each passenger train, and lists the train crew, number of passengers, any delays, as well as incidents of rough train handling. If you have passenger operations on your layout, this form may be useful in simulating actual crew responsibilities.

Daily Interchange Report of Cars:  A PDF version of Reading Company Form 4120C, "Daily Interchange Report of Cars." These forms were used to document cars interchanged with another railroad. This form could be used along with the Switch List.

Daily Interchange Report of Cars - Correction (4-72): Reading Company Form 4138, "Correction to Daily Interchange Report of Cars," dated 4-72, was to be used to correct interchange reports if any errors had been identified by the receiving railroad's freight agent. On your layout, this form could be adapted or used to track any cars that were improperly interchanged or spotted. Source document provided by Bruce Kelly.

Diesel Fuel Oil Issued (10-63): This form was used to keep track of locomotive fueling. The original form is a 2-part carbon paper form, and looks as if it was to be inserted into a meter which would print out the galls of fuel issued. A form like this could possibly be used on your layout to keep track of locomotive servicing (lubricating, coupler height check, etc.). Thanks to Bruce Kelly for the contribution of the original source document!

Reading Company Form 4214 - Excessive Dimensions: Form 4214 was used for loads that exceeded published clearances along the Reading, more commonly known as "high and wide" loads. Provided by Reading Modeler member Dave Spohn, this form can be used on your layout to add a prototypical touch to special car movements.

Switch List:  A PDF version of a Reading Company switch list form.

Time Return and Delay Report - Conductor and Trainmen (3-74): This form was completed by a train crew (specifically, conductors and trainmen) at the conclusion of a day's work, and provides the details of that crew's activity such as miles traveled, departure and arrival points, and the nature of any delays enroute. The document will line up properly when printing double-sided. This form could be used on your layout to create a record of your operating sessions and their participants.

Time Return and Delay Report - Engineer and Fireman (1-74): This form was completed by a train crew (specifically, engineers and/or firemen) at the conclusion of a day's work, and provides the details of that crew's activity such as miles traveled, departure and arrival points, and the nature of any delays enroute. The document will line up properly when printing double-sided. This form could be used on your layout to create a record of your operating sessions and their participants.

Train Orders - Forms 19 and 31: A WinZip file containing PDF versions of Reading Company Form 19 and Form 31 Train Order forms. For guidance on using these forms, download the Reading Company Rulebook in the "Timetables and Rulebooks" section.

Today's Image

Did You Know?

April, 1957
The famous green "READING LINES" bridge over Shepps Dam on the Reading Belt Line (near Carpenter Steel) enters service.


Operations Information

Click Here!A variety of Reading Company operations related documents, etc. that may be of use in your modeling efforts.

Operations Paperwork

Click Here!A variety of Reading Company operations paperwork, such as train orders, clearance forms, etc. that will help you operate your Reading layout in a prototypical manner.

Timetables, Rulebooks, Etc.

Click Here!Public Timetables, Employe Timetables, and Rulebooks that provide much useful operational information.

Modeling Goodies

Click Here!Signs, billboards, and other FREE goodies for your use.  We ask only that you help spread the word about The Reading Modeler!

Rolling Stock Reference

Click Here!Downloadable reference documents on the various classes of Reading Company Freight and Passenger rolling stock.

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