Along the Line_7
Image information
We follow the passenger train down the tracks as it passes, and we can see old Mrs. Rohrbacher hard at work fighting the never-ending battle against the soot that lands on her back porch. She gives us a wary look and warns us to stay off the tracks, or we'll end up as mincemeat!
This close up shot of the scratchbuilt farmhouse shows how details make the difference between an ordinary and a great scene. Shades in the windows, individually peeling shingles, the weathered standing seam roof, and the arrangement of benches, chairs, barrels, etc. on the back porch all combine to tell a story in the viewer's imagination.
Did You Know?
A variety of Reading Company operations related documents, etc. that may be of use in your modeling efforts.
A variety of Reading Company operations paperwork, such as train orders, clearance forms, etc. that will help you operate your Reading layout in a prototypical manner.
Public Timetables, Employe Timetables, and Rulebooks that provide much useful operational information.
Signs, billboards, and other FREE goodies for your use. We ask only that you help spread the word about The Reading Modeler!