Rev. Robert Mountenay's "Merkiomen Branch" layout was featured in the December, 1995 issue of Model Railroader. He has graciously shared these photos of his most recent modeling efforts.
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This is a view of the town of Lenape on Rev. Mountenay's layout. He has really captured the atmosphere of a small town along a bucolic Reading branch line in the late steam era. Note the small depot, feed mill located close to the station, and various other small industries typical of the place and time. There's just enough trackwork to make switching this location interesting. We also really like the backdrop!
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Further along the line, we see the town of Moyers. This town also has a few industries, as well as an agent in the depot, as indicated by the train-order signal. The rock cut in the distance is a nice feature, as it gives the illusion of elevation change and also helps the train "disappear" through the hole in the backdrop.
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Here's a closer view of the town of Lenape. The structures on the main street at the back of the layout are a nice mix of DPM models and craftsman structures. This shows a town in transition - the early wood-frame buildings from the town's founding are still in use, but more modern brick construction is starting to make an appearance, as is the "ultra-modern" gas station on the outskirts of town, visible on the hill in the background at left.
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Reading Baldwin switcher #714 pulls into Moyers. The branch's normal steam locomotive must be in the shop for inspection or servicing, since the "new fangled" diesel is the power for today's local freight. The depot is a Funaro & Camerlengo model. Note the MOW sheds behind the depot.
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Reading camelback #1535 rolls off the Rockhill Quarry branch and heads toward the hamlet of Lenape. Rev. Mountenay has done a fantastic job with the foliage and ground cover in this scene. Note the Atlantic gas station on the road on the hill toward the rear of the layout. The bobber caboose is an old Gem Models import.
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The small combination depot at Lenape. Based on the Reading's Catasauqua station, the prototype has been preserved and is now the gift shop at the Wanamaker, Kempton & Southern Railroad. Rev. Mountenay scratchbuilt the depot using Evergreen siding and Grandt Line castings. He's particularly proud of the freight doors, which were formed by piecing together styrene strips. This photo also highlights the weathered track and ties.
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In this view, Reading I-8 2-8-0 camelback #1535 pulls in to the siding at Fenstermacher Building Supply to pick up an empty LNE boxcar that had been loaded with bagged cement. The locomotive is a Custom Brass model that Rev. Mountenay had painted back in the 1980s.
Did You Know?
A variety of Reading Company operations related documents, etc. that may be of use in your modeling efforts.
A variety of Reading Company operations paperwork, such as train orders, clearance forms, etc. that will help you operate your Reading layout in a prototypical manner.
Public Timetables, Employe Timetables, and Rulebooks that provide much useful operational information.
Signs, billboards, and other FREE goodies for your use. We ask only that you help spread the word about The Reading Modeler!