WestReadingBranch _2
Image information
This photo was taken from the Bingaman Street Bridge near the southern end of the branch, and shows the old Anchor Hotel, with Berks Packing directly behind it. This view would be looking roughly northeast, with Hopper Paper/Georgia Pacific to the left, and the UGI Yard and Reading Hardware to the right. Where the hotel sits is presently the middle of Second Street as it runs under the bridge. Photo Courtesy Berks Packing Co.
Did You Know?
A variety of Reading Company operations related documents, etc. that may be of use in your modeling efforts.
A variety of Reading Company operations paperwork, such as train orders, clearance forms, etc. that will help you operate your Reading layout in a prototypical manner.
Public Timetables, Employe Timetables, and Rulebooks that provide much useful operational information.
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